
Exam target

The exam ÖSD Zertifikat C2 certifies a candidate’s ability to communicate in various complex situations in a business and social context.

This exam certifies general as well as specialist language competence characterized by a high degree of accuracy, correctness and situation-specific appropriateness.

This exam is directed at learners aged 16 and above.

The exam comprises four modules (Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking). These modules can be sat and certified individually or taken in combination with one another.


Exam target

The exam ÖSD Zertifikat C1 certifies a candidate’s ability to communicate in different professional and social situations dealing with more complex contexts.

This exam certifies language competence characterized by a high degree of accuracy, correctness and situation-specific appropriateness.

ÖSD Zertifikat C1 is particularly aimed at people learning German wishing to study at a German-speaking university and directed at learners aged 16 and over. The additional altered version is tailored to young learners aged 14 and above.

The exam comprises two modules, the Written exam (Reading, Listening and Writing) and the Oral exam (Speaking).


Exam target

The exam ÖSD Zertifikat B2 certifies a candidate’s ability to communicate clearly and in detail on a broad range of topics and conduct a normal conversation with native speakers in a spontaneous and fluent way.

This exam certifies language competence in communicative situations that go beyond the private sphere, as well as (semi-)public and professional fields. Candidates are able to understand text dealing with their area of expertise.

This exam is directed at learners aged 16 and over, an altered version is tailored to young learners aged 14 and above.

The exam comprises two modules: the Written exam (Reading, Listening and Writing) and the Oral exam (Speaking), focusing mainly on communicative competence, even though attention is also paid to formal accuracy.


Exam target

The exam ÖSD Zertifikat Deutsch Österreich B1 is especially directed at immigrants to Austria aged 16 or above. According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the Framework Curriculum for Integration Courses (RCC, Goethe-Institute), this exam assesses candidate’s ability of independent language use in everyday life and professional situations. All texts and situations used reflect daily life in Austria.

This exam also exists in an altered version for young learners aged 12 and above.

The exam comprises two modules: the Written exam (Reading, Listening and Writing) and the Oral exam (Speaking), focusing mainly on communicative competence, even though attention is also paid to formal accuracy.

The exam ÖSD Zertifikat Deutsch Österreich B1 evolved from the exam B1 Zertifikat Deutsch, a joint product in cooperation with the Goethe-Institute, the telc GmbH in Germany and the Center for Language Learning and Research at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland.


Exam target

For the exam ÖSD Zertifikat A2, candidates should be able to communicate on a basic level in simple, routine situations of their everyday, as well as their professional life.

This exam is directed at learners aged 14 and over and certifies language competence in routine situations with familiar topics and activities.

The exam ÖSD Zertifikat A2 comprises the two modules: Written exam (Reading, Listening and Writing) and Oral exam (Speaking), focusing mainly on the receptive skills Reading and Listening.

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